Thursday, September 8, 2011

Driving with Suspended Licenses or Revoked Licenses in Florida

Driving in South Florida with a Suspended license or a revoked license, could get you into  a compromising situation under the current traffic laws in Florida. In most cases a suspended license comes from simply not paying a traffic ticket or not going to court to defend it. Once a Traffic Violation has been issued you have 30 days to comply and pay or to send the court your plea of guilty or not guilty If you don’t act in time a D6 may be issued resulting in a suspension of your drivers license. 
Your traffic ticket could be in collection as well. Although this does not mean you cant defend that ticket. You can make your case with the courts and try to reopen your case. Traffic ticket attorneys may be able to assist you with this process and you should consult with one if this is your current status. 
Collection increases your cost to fighting a ticket or even just paying for it. If the DMV Suspends your driver license you may incur an additional $60 fee to get it activated again. 
Eric P. Newcomer from writes “In Florida, a state with about 15.5 million legal drivers, 2.2 million people currently have suspended or revoked licenses, authorities said.” further saying “AAA traffic safety estimates that two-thirds of people are barred from the road keep driving” read more here:
What most people don’t realize is not taking action quickly on traffic violations can result in  a lot of headaches and unnecessary expenses. Remember once you receive a traffic violation you have thirty days to respond, pay, or hire an attorney to defend your ticket. Quick action avoids suspension and saves you money.

Eduardo D. Fons

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