Friday, August 26, 2011

Is there a Foreclosure Backlog in Florida?

In a recent article by TOLUSE OLORUNNIPA published in the Miami Herald the foreclosure numbers are crunch for the south Florida region. The article states that the amount of foreclosures in the South Florida regions as has dropped. 
Specifically that “In Miami-Dade County, the backlog dropped from 75,326 last year to 44,278 this year. In Broward, the backlog fell from 48,675 last year to 27,748 this year. See “, however this number can be deceptive as the large drop in recent foreclosure cases is mostly due to the Banks dismissing cases that can be re-filed at their leisure. Any home owner in distress should be cautious in not thinking the banks have given up. In fact the opposite could be different as Banks are reviewing their paperwork and complying with new rules established by the Supreme Court of Florida in foreclosure cases.

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